September 1, 2023 Message to Members

New Challenges

Greetings colleagues,

The start of the school year is typically a time of excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation. We hope you are able to enjoy that sense of excitement. As we all know, school start-up does not just happen magically. A smooth and successful start-up is the result of months of planning, attention to detail, and careful design. That refreshing optimism is afforded to students, parents, teachers, support staff, Principals, and Vice-Principals, as everyone focuses on opportunities for new achievements and successful student outcomes.

However, this year, depending on where you live and work, we are still gauging the impact of the weather and wildfires. If you have been watching the news, we also need to be aware that another COVID variant is starting to circulate in BC. The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) has updated the K-12 Guidelines as a precaution, and the BCPVPA had the opportunity, once again, to provide input on these guidelines. Despite these potential challenges, one of the key lessons the pandemic taught us is that we can successfully pivot if we must, and if we work together.

Every year brings unique challenges to the job of school leadership. To help you meet these challenges, we encourage you to connect with the network provided by your local Chapter colleagues, as well as taking advantage of the connections that the BCPVPA provides members through professional learning programs and individual member support. The BCPVPA exists to support the Principals and Vice-Principals in BC’s public education system, and the strength of our Association is in our members. We are here for you!

The last long weekend of the summer is an excellent time to give your health-battery an extra boost prior to launching the school year.

Here’s to a successful launch, and a great long weekend. You’ve earned it.



The BC Principals' & Vice-Principals' Association is a voluntary professional association representing school leaders employed as Principals and Vice-Principals in BC's public education system. We provide our members with the professional services and supports they need to provide exemplary leadership in public education.

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