Principl(ed) Magazine: November 2021 Issue

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Read the November 2021 Articles

A Single Step
Everyone is on a journey towards diversity, equity, and inclusion. BCPVPA president Darren Danyluk reminds us that the first step on that journey may be the hardest, but it is also the most important. 

A Day in the Life of a Secondary School Principal

The November 2021 issue of Principl(ed) Magazine features Principal of North Delta Secondary School SD 37, Aaron Akune. 

In this article, Aaron shares how he became interested in teaching, and his professional path to becoming a Principal. We learn about his approach to connecting with students and their families. and how he makes himself as accessible as possible to the school community.

BCPSEA's new CEO Bruce Anderson introduces himself to BCPVPA members and reflects on his return to public service. He discusses BCPSEA’s plans moving forward, and their objective to support thriving in the K-12 public education sector. 

Lone Leaders
The Global Network of Professional Learning Leaders is a learning community of partnered organizations in Ontario and Australia. Remote and rural education leaders share common concerns and goals, and the GNPLL’s Lone Leaders series helps them to connect, share stories, and learn from specialists. 

Leadership Standards: A Living Document
Since its inception in 2007, the BCPVPA Leadership Standards for Principals & Vice-Principals in BC has been undergone multiple revisions. The continual evolution of the document is evidence of a changing landscape in educational leadership and socio-political factors. We continue to ensure our work is grounded in anti-racism, equity, and inclusion.

Working with you PAC
This article by Frances Krusekopf, a Principal in Sooke SD64, in collaboration with Lee Riemer, former PAC Chair, is about creating a space of positive engagement by approaching a collaborative project with intention and gratitude.

Lessons Learned
Our BCPVPA Member Support Services team has compiled many of the challenging lessons that school leaders have learned when facing complaints and investigations. Our MSS team is always there to give support to members when difficult situations arise.

BC Teachers' Council
The Director of Instruction for SD71, Jay Dixon, reflects on his appointment to the BC Teacher’s Council and how the impact of the BCTC is felt beyond just setting the professional standards for BC educators.

Re-Imagining the 3 R's of Education
Moving beyond the traditional 3 R’s of education – ‘reading, writing, and arithmetic’ –  Principal Jane Arbuckle at Parkside Secondary in Terrace SD 82 is encouraging colleagues to redirect focus to ‘relationships, regulation, and resiliency’.

Moral Distress
What is moral distress and how does it impact Principals? Lee Smith, a former BC offshore Principal in China, relates the story of his first experience with moral distress as a Principal, and how it has inspired research in his doctoral studies. 

Take 3
Take 3 is humanworks president Jack MacNeill’s regular wellness column. This season Jack coaches us to Assess, Adjust, and Attend: three new ideas to help you succeed as we move closer to the winter break. 

Thriving in Education
The highly anticipated results from the Thriving in Education Survey are here! Rochelle Morandini, BCPVPA Director of Member Health and Well-Being, has published a overview and interpretation of some of the key findings.

WelTel Health
In early 2021, the BCPVPA started a pilot project in partnership with WelTel Health to track the well-being of 100 participating members. Every week these members are sent a simple question via text: “How are you?” 

Book Reviews
1st Review: Dr. Diane Charles, K-7 Principal SD68, shares with us her take-aways from the book Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition. Giving agency to students in deciding assessment strategies helps develop greater self-efficacy, and there are many opportunities for educators to incorporate these methods that are supported by the BC curriculum.

2nd Review: Our own Director of Member Support Services, Carmen Eberle, shares what she learned from the book The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person, and how she found it helpful in her own anti-racism learning.  

Last Word
BCPVPA Executive Director Kevin Reimer discusses one of the most important resources to school leaders – time. After reading the book How School Principals Use Their Time, Kevin shares a new concept for understanding how Principals & Vice-Principals organize their responsibilities between managerial expectations and leadership duties. 


The BC Principals' & Vice-Principals' Association is a voluntary professional association representing school leaders employed as Principals and Vice-Principals in BC's public education system. We provide our members with the professional services and supports they need to provide exemplary leadership in public education.

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