Finding Our Era … “Ready for It”?

Travelling around the province, I am continually inspired and humbled by the dedication, tenacity, and ingenuity of each and every one of you. Like Taylor Swift’s ever-evolving music and lyrics, our work as leaders in education has distinct eras – each demanding a different part of us, each calling for growth, and each reminding us to pause, recharge, and embrace the work.
You Need to Calm Down
I remember the many 4:00 am wake-up calls where I needed to attend to my school as it appeared there was an intruder alert. Last year, just before dinner on New Year’s Eve, I received that call: a pipe had burst, and a very Canadian homemade ice-rink was forming on the street below. My job that day was to find a plumber who hadn’t yet begun their own New Year festivities, while ensuring the safety of the local children flocking to the new makeshift skating arena!
Leadership often feels like you are caught in a storm – you are juggling demands, fixing the unfixable, and smiling through the chaos. It can be exhausting. But, as Taylor says, "You Need to Calm Down”. Sometimes, stepping outside of the storm to breathe is the bravest thing we can do. I know many colleagues who have identified a lesser-used room in the school for just this purpose of temporary retreat. Finding a few minutes in your office, a quick walk around the block, or even a moment of laughter with a colleague can be enough to remind us that we don’t need to "Shake It Off" alone.
As the break approaches, give yourself permission to let go of the chaos for a while. Whether it is curling up with the latest Booker Prize winner, heading into the nearby trails, indulging in a midday nap, or spending time with family and friends, these moments are your lifeline to some peace. As Taylor reminds us, "You can’t spell awesome without me”. Remember that self-renewal is not selfish – it is the foundation for the energy you bring to your role.
Begin Again
Let me set a familiar scene: it is late afternoon, the building is quiet, and the light through the office window feels softer now. You sit down with your tea, take a deep breath, and reflect on a tough meeting or a challenging week. Somewhere, in the stillness, is the chance to remember why you started.
In education, every January feels like a reset button: the chance to "Begin Again”. Just like Taylor’s ability to reinvent herself, we are all constantly growing, learning, and reimagining our roles. Your reset could be a fresh approach to managing some of the issues with student behaviours, or a new initiative to empower staff. Whatever it is, there is power in renewal, and in finding new energy when you thought you had none left.
But here is the catch: even reinvention needs rest. Take time to "Breathe" and step back, because the best ideas, the most impactful solutions, often come when you have had the time to pause and reflect. There is a good reason why a lot of our best ideas come to us at 3:00 am! This break is your chance to reset – to embrace the beauty of small joys, to walk along a beach, play board games, or sit quietly and watch it "Begin Again”.
You Belong Here
Last week, I meandered downtown and took in the ambiance of the Taylor Swift extravaganza. As the show ended, and the thousands spilled out onto the streets – still singing at the top of their lungs – there was a collective understanding that they were part of something spectacular. They knew that they belonged to something greater than themselves. That is what great Principals aim for, too. The students may not remember every lesson taught, but they will remember how they felt in the hallways, on the playground, and in their classrooms. Principals, like Swift, create moments that linger long after the lights go down. And like Taylor, you need to leave the stage and regroup before you can start again.
Over the break, reach out to those who lift you up. Plan a coffee date with a trusted colleague, share a moment of gratitude, hike a mountain, snowshoe, and make sure you laugh. Connection doesn’t have to be complicated – it just has to be genuine.
You Belong With Us
So, to every member of the BCPVPA, whether you are celebrating a win or surviving a challenge, know this: "You Belong with Us”. You are part of a vibrant, resilient community of leaders who show up every day with courage, care, and a whole lot of heart.
Let this be your reminder to pause, recharge, and renew, to savor the time that is just for you.
The New Year will be here before we know it, and when it comes, you will be refreshed, revitalized, and ready to lead fearlessly into your own next era.
Dr. Shannon Behan