Introducing the Leadership Competencies
Here we are in the first week of October: our jumbo jet has taken off, and our schools are soaring full speed ahead! Now that routines and expectations are taking shape, it is a good time to take stock and plan for ongoing professional development that will guide your practice throughout the year and beyond.
Leading in a school is a journey that looks different for each of us depending on the community we serve, as each of our communities has a vitality all its own. Although there are standard operating procedures for some of the work we do, our local context determines much of the other ‘spirit work’ and the way in which we engage with that work.
In 2020, the BC Principals’ & Vice-Principals’ Association began the process of revising our foundational documents through the lens of equity. Following a deep and dynamic process, we embraced our Equity Theory of Change which outlines the core values that form the foundation of our work: Recognition, Right Relations, Responsibility, Humility, Distributed Power, and Collaboration. This process has led us to a competency-based approach, and a refreshed perspective on professional growth.
The BCPVPA’s Leadership Competencies for BC Principals & Vice-Principals will be released to members this month and, on October 25, we will explore the competencies more deeply as part of the Connecting Leaders Conference at the Coast Hotel in Vancouver.
Information and registration information is available here.
It is an exciting time in BC public education, and the work that Principals and Vice-Principals do in leading change is integral to the success of our students and communities. We know that it isn’t always easy – and that at times it can be challenging – but our goal is to equip our members with the skills, information, and resources that will support you in this important work.
I hope to see you October 25th and I look forward to meeting you at other professional development offerings this year
For more information on professional development opportunities at BCPVPA, please visit our professional learning page or contact
Have a wonderful weekend!