Leading: Back to School Fall 2022

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Meet the New BCPVPA President
This past July our new BCPVPA President started his two-year term. Meet Brian Leonard, and learn more about him in this article.

Meet the BCPVPA Staff
Do you know the staff who work behind the scenes at the BCPVPA? Learn more about the people in our association who support BC’s education leaders.

Connecting Leaders Conference 2022
Have you heard about this year’s BCPVPA's Connecting Leaders Conference? Discover the speakers, topics, and workshops we have planned for participants.

Making Connections
Are you a brand-new Vice-Principal or an experienced school leader? Read about our mentorship program and how members participate and benefit. Mentors and mentees both say they come away with lifelong friendships and greater confidence in their practice. 

2022 Partnership Award Recipients
We all love a feel-good story – in this article we bring you the stories of this year’s Partnership Award recipients, five recipients who have unique ways of supporting their local school communities. 

Fall 2022: Anti-Racism Reminders for BC Administrators
Let’s continue to erase racism from our schools! Keep these reminders on hand as a guide to your equity practice.

Our North Star: for BCPVPA's Professional Learning and Development
What is at the core of our Professional Learning and Development strategy? Well, it has evolved directly from member feedback; read about our programming response to the Spring 2022 member survey in this Leading: Back to School article.

My Modalities
The BCPVPA strategically uses different technical modalities in our PLD offerings to stimulate the four traditional learning modalities: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile. Find out our systems for PLD delivery.

Personal Services Contract vs Collective Agreement
What is the difference between a personal services contract and a collective agreement? We dig into the details and differences that you need to know as an education leader.

A Lens on the "TRB Standards"
The TRB Standards can be a helpful lens in which to assess and reflect upon your day-to-day interactions as a school leader. In this Leading: Back to School article you can find the standards and guidance for reflection.

Le Décloisonnement: School-wide Differentiated Instruction
In a classroom, students are diverse in academic levels and needs, which is why École Anne-Hébert are trying a differentiated instruction model. Learn about the methodology and reasoning behind this teaching paradigm.

Heart Work
BC school leaders work hard for their schools and communities, but it is important to act on health concerns when they arise. Elizabeth Taylor from SD 38 shares this important reminder about health and heart work.

Keeping Safety Top of Mind
Everybody has a right to be physically and psychologically safe at work, and school leaders in BC are exposed to many risks for mental injury. We take a look at this important topic in the Fall 2022 issue of Leading: Back to School.

3 Tips to Maintain Wellness
BCPVPA friend and humanworks President Jack MacNeill offers three easy tips to maintain your wellness this school year.

What Guides & Directs our Practice
Need a refresher on the regulations, policies, and standards that guide the roles and responsibilities of school leaders? Check out ‘What Guides & Directs our Practice’ in this issue of Leading: Back to School.

Who's Who in BC's Education Sector
Which organizations should you know about when you are working in BC public education? Discover many of the key sector players in our ‘Who’s Who’ outline.

Youth Mental Health and the New School Year
Our friends at Foundry talk about resources for youth, families, and educators to support students this school year. Learn about the valuable services they provide and how you can share this information with your school.

Respectful Futures
Respectful Futures is collaborative project that was pilot tested by  the Surrey School District. The curriculum package is now available for Principals and Vice-Principals to access, and can assist educators to address concerns and build healthy relationships with students. 

Live It Earth
Live It Earth is Canada’s Learning Library, and all BC public schools can access their bilingual, place-based online education programming.

Choosing to Lead
What does the first year as a Vice-Principal look like? Dana Miller, a VP in the Surrey School District, reflects on her transition to leadership, and what she learned in her first year as a VP.

Being Humble... Yet Remaining Confident
There is a delicate balance between remaining confident in your leadership skills while being humble enough to take on feedback. This story speaks to the tension between both forces.


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