Download the Principl(ed) June 2022 Issue

Read the June 2022 Articles

"The Best Laid Schemes..."
Darren Danyluk looks back on his past two years serving as BCPVPA president, reflecting on the schemes he’d hoped to lay, how fate intervened, and the unexpected opportunities.

Day in the Life of an Elementary Vice-Principal
In our cover story, Riley McMitchell talks about being a new Vice-Principal in a school operating in multiple locations during a seismic upgrade. Find out how he manages to balance his time at the school sites, and lead with equity. 

The Equity Journey
Irfan Toor, the Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion from the Ontario Principals’ Council, discusses the evolution of EDI for the OPC and what they have learned on the journey so far.

We Can: A Kind of Wonderful Thing
PLD Director Andrea McComb spoke to musician Jesse Ruben about stepping outside of his comfort zone to inspire others to step out of theirs. Jesse will be joining us at the Connecting Leaders Conference as Musician in Residence. 

Why FranklinCovey?
The BCPVPA has introduced many new offerings in the recent months, including leadership training programs developed by FranklinCovey. Learn about FC’s industry experience and research, and how to participate in these programs.

From My Notebook
PLD Director Andrea McComb shares her thoughts about Nouman Ashraf’s workshops as part of the Leading for Equity series, and reflects on the key takeaways that equity work is people work, and equity work is ongoing work.

Performance of Pink
Bryan Gidinski asks how we can better root Pink Shirt Day with a deep and purposeful understanding of the day. Instead of just emphasizing kindness, Brian encourages nuanced conversations and context to the days that celebrate LGBTQ2SAI+ communities.

Stepping into Discomfort
SD51 Principal Angela Bragg shares her learning from the seminar sessions she attended led by Carolyn Roberts. Angela reflects on the discussion that a ‘one-size fits all’ curriculum shouldn’t be expected to fit all students, and that an anti-colonial approach would be more inclusive. 

Stop Doing the Work, Start Being the Work
SD41 District EDI Principal Beth Applewhite urges all leaders to start ‘being the work’ of anti-racism and inclusion in their schools, rather than having the responsibility fall on the shoulders of ‘racialized colleagues’. 

Conversations that Build Relationships
Are you prepared for an uncomfortable or challenging conversation? Learn through this article by @bcpvpa’s Carmen Eberle that they don’t have to lead to a loss in trust, but can serve as a way to make professional relationships stronger. 

Contracts by the Numbers
Other than the obvious – salaries & benefits – what should you look for in an employment agreement? This article identifies some of the key number-related pieces that are worthy of our members’ attention.

Negotiation Representation
The BCPVPA continues to advocate for BC Principals and Vice-Principals to have fair and reasonable influence over the terms and conditions of their employment. This article outlines the history and current status of our advocacy.

Lessons From the Orcas
Events in nature do not always happen in alignment with our schedule, as retired SD73 Principal Anthoney Rempel was reminded. Sometimes, lessons in patience and perseverance come to us in the most unexpected ways. 

Take 3
Summer is a welcome break for many leaders this year. To make the most of this time away, follow the advice of Jack MacNeill, President of humanworks, to Wrap, Reflect, Release. 

Connected for Well-Being
“How are you?” Every Monday, @bcpvpa members in the WelTel Project receive this simple question, prompting them to pause and reflect. Learn about the initial results of this innovative project, and what the future may hold.

Learning from the Land
Are you interested in developing more land-based learning opportunities for your school? Read about the projects Farm to School offers, and how their Learning from the Land Toolkit can bring meaningful reconciliation to your school and community. 

Book Reviews

The Power of Pressure Review
Dave Conroy, a Vice-Principal in SD73, reviews ‘The Power of Pressure’, and discusses its key takeaways about reframing situations of pressure into opportunities to make high impact outcomes.

Fierce Conversations Review
Kendra Simonetto, a Principal in the Langley School District, reviews ‘Fierce Conversations’ and its theme of building relationships through authentic conversations, and highlights why the book can be used as part of a leader’s toolkit. 

Last Word: Visionary Leadership
Kevin Reimer, BCPVPA Executive Director, recalls his first local BCPVPA Chapter retreat, and how the most vivid memory from the experience was the feeling of belonging, and being a part of something important. 


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