
President's Perspective - June: The End... or the Beginning?
As June brings the school year to an end, BCPVPA President Brian Leonard reflects on the many endings but also the beginnings.

Iram Khan has been a passionate educator for 26 years, committed to student happiness and to supporting diverse community members. Follow her journey on what her experience is like as an Elementary Principal in Surrey. 

Building Equity for Métis Learners and Staff in BC Schools
Just as schools have played a role in upholding colonial attitudes, they have an even more important role to play in decolonization. Read on to learn more about Métis heritage in BC and why school leaders should be aware of this.

Confronting Racism and Building a Foundation for Change
 An Anti-racist association must take many steps to challenge and dismantle racism both within the organization and in society at large. Learn how our members share how they do this through BCPVPA’S Anti-racism committee.

Leadership is the Answer
When school staff and leaders demonstrate trust and respect toward one another, students feel safe and supported and are more likely to thrive academically and emotionally. Learn more about taking extreme ownership as a leader.

2023 Connecting Leaders Conference: Cultivating Learning
One of our most exciting events is coming up this October! Join us for three important days of Interacting, Connecting, and Reflecting on October 19, 20, and 21 at Canyon Falls Middle School in Kelowna.

Talking with Numbers
Reading this article will take 2.5 minutes of your time, or 0.17% of your day. Learn how to use numbers when conveying important messages about your work with these tips.

Building your Admin Team
There will never be enough hours in the day for you to operate as a true ‘team’ on everything. But these 10 principles by our former Director of Member Support Services Ellen Roberts can help you build an effective admin team.

The Family Balance
Raising a family and being a school leader at the same time is no easy feat, but these 6 BCPVPA members share strategies that they’ve learned over time to be happier/more successful at work and at home.

PADS Dogs in Schools
Support dogs can play an incredible role in a school setting. Read from Anthony Ciolfitto on how Liege and Benji helped comfort students, staff, and improved relationships within his school.

Decolonizing Assessment
Are you currently trying to decolonize your teaching? Carolyn Roberts writes that a focus on relationships and rethinking assessment are key.

Take 3
Here are some tips for closing off the school year with peace and feeling well as you step away for the summer.

Taking a Pass on Passive Aggressive Behaviour
Dealing with passive and passive-aggressive behaviour is not easy. Read on to learn tips for managing this kind of behaviour when it happens in your team.­­­

Connecting to the Outdoors: Spirit North
‘It is so much more than just getting kids out skiing; it's working in a holistic way with the people in schools, the kids, and other community members’ Learn more about Spirit North and its programs to connect indigenous youth to the land through sport.

Review: Leading Through the Spirals of Inquiry
“This book synthesizes the past decade of cumulative learning from leaders in schools, and grounds their system-improvement framework with practices and case studies from the field.” Read why Angela and Jim recommend this book!

Review: Wayi Wah! Indigenous Pedagogies
If you are a non-indigenous educator that wants to learn about Indigenous pedagogies or Reconciliation through education, read Sue Boucher’s review to learn more about Jo Chrona’s latest book.

The Last Word: Equity for Greater Service
Our recent interim Executive Director Mike Roberts writes about the principles for the terms of employment for Principals and Vice-Principals that the BCPVPA advocates for and supports.


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