Download the March 2021 Issue

Read the March 2021 Articles 

President’s Perspective
BCPVPA President Darren Danyluk reflects on educators' integral role of anti-racism work and being an advocate that listens and takes thoughtful action. 

A Day in the Life of a Middle School Vice-Principal
 SD 40 Vice-Principal, Tu Loan Trieu, shares her perspective on collaboration, being agile in your leadership, and why she simply loves Middle School.

Advocate, Partner, Supporter Honourable
Jennifer Whiteside BC's new Minister of Education talks about the work ahead as we move past the pandemic, and focus on Indigenous education, anti-racism and mental health  

Children Benefit from Parents and Schools Working Together
Hear from the perspective of BCCPAC President, Andrea Sinclair on the vital role parents play in supporting schools and students  

Lessons from the Boardroom
Carol Powell, BCPVPA Director of Finance, reflects on what our Board of Directors have taught her about effective governance and how important of a role they play in it   

Indigenous Graduation Coach
Lauren Stelmaschuk & Katie Marren from SD57 share the importance of developing a network of supports for Indigenous students to bridge the gap in school completion rates    

Carihi Secondary Tyee Program
Louise Panziera and Fred Schaub Ed D. from Carihi Secondary (SD 72) share about the Tyee Program in their school, designed to increase engagement for Grade 9 students through focusing on social and emotional needs, while reducing the pressures of high-paced academic courses  

Learning to Go

BCPVPA Professional Learning and Development Directors review the frameworks and research that guides their design of PLD programs, events and oppportunities 

So You Want to be a Vice-Principal
BCPVPA Directors of Professional Learning and Development explore the role of a Vice-Principal, and reflect on their own experiences to offer some insight for those navigating this new role  

Are you an Educational Leader or an Institution Manager?
Peter Scott (SD 51) explains why being a catalyst of change in schools requires 'leading', rather than simply 'managing'   

Balancing the Odds of Life
Anthoney Rempel, SD73 Principal, shares a chapter from his upcoming book, Hope, in which he reflects on how we as school leaders can instill a sense of hope in the children and adults who comprise the fabric of our school communities?   

Knowing Your Legal Team: DLA Piper
Get to know the DLA Piper legal team that supports our Membership Support Services team and the everyday work they do for our members   

A Professional Dream Deferred
Beth Applewhite, District Vice-Principal of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (SD41), draws on her personal and professional experiences to share why anti-racism work is essential and needs to be brought about intentionally and thoughtfully, with the voices of those who have experienced racism at the centre  

How well do you know the BCPVPA staff? Try your hand at this short guessing game!  

Take 3
Jack MacNeill, President of humanworks, offers three practical tips to invigorate our wellness focus and motivation for the Spring season 

Navigating the Storm
Miriam Miller and Dr. Hagar Goldberg explore how can we find further strength to weather the storm together while maintaining hope for optimal outcomes 

A Positive Mindset
Rochelle Morandini, Director of Member Health and Wellbeing, shares how to adopt positive thinking to have more resiliency in these difficult times  

How to Stop Rumination
Tom Walker from the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI) introduces strategies for shutting down rumination  

An in-depth look at the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) and the work they do to help educators and students get outside and learn 

Open Doors
Meet one of our 2020 Partnership Awards Recipients, the Summit Youth Centre Hub in Invermere, and hear about the work they do to support, inspire and engage the youth in their area   

Victoria McAllister and Janene Stein from SD 8 share their reflections and insights from their recent read, Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski    

Last Word
BCPVPA Executive Director, Kevin Reimer, reflects on a few core leadership values that has surfaced in his interactions with members


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