Greetings colleagues,
For some of you, spring break might already feel like a cherished memory. Others who returned to your schools this week are back in the flow of work, and still others remain in the embrace of their holidays. While spring break no longer falls on the same dates for all of our members, I hope that everyone has experienced some rest and a chance to recharge your batteries for the ‘sprint to June.’ Like many of you, I traveled during the break, and enjoyed a weeklong cruise to Mexico – the warm sunshine was much appreciated! While on my cruise, I had the chance to talk about our work with a number of Americans, and discovered that for some American schools, Easter weekend is not regarded as a holiday. As we approach the Easter break, whatever your beliefs, give thanks for those extra holidays sandwiched between two short weeks!

Comox and Campbell River are just two of the districts that have a later spring break, which offered the opportunity for Chapter visits just before my holiday. I will share highlights and photos next week.
This week – along with Interim Executive Director, Mike Roberts, Director of Communications, Sandra Murphy, and Communications Assistant, David A. Serpa – I visited the BC Legislature, where we hosted a luncheon and shared about the work of BC school leaders with a number of MLAs and cabinet ministers. We offered a perspective on how the roles of Principals and Vice-Principals have changed over the years, brought to light some of the current challenges you are experiencing, and asked government to think of the BCPVPA and our members when they are seeking input on provincial issues that are important to children and youth.
We are grateful to the Honourable Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care, for her kind words as part of the luncheon presentation, and for the thoughtful conversations that we had with the attending MLAs. Our thanks go as well to Megan Dykeman, MLA Langley East, who hosted our behind-the-scenes tour of the beautiful building that houses the Legislative Assembly, and to Elenore Sturko, MLA Surrey South, who took the time to meet with me later in the day. Our thanks, too, to all three of these representatives who so graciously introduced our team at the beginning of the legislative session, and acknowledged the importance of the work of BCPVPA’s members.

MLAs in attendance for our luncheon
Minister Singh giving a speech during our luncheon
Next week’s eNews will be delivered on Thursday April 6.
Have a great weekend ahead,