April 12, 2024

Greetings Colleagues,

Last week, I encouraged our members to consider being nominated for the Board of Directors, and those nominations remain open until April 15. You will have noted in the past two issues of eNews the list of colleagues who have so far put their collective hats in the ring, and there is still time to add your name to that talented roster!

Coincidentally, today our Board is gathering for the first of two days of meetings here in Vancouver. I am always grateful for the commitment of our Directors to strike a balance as they focus both on the daily needs of their schools and districts, and on the work of the Board.

At this weekend’s Board meetings, we will look ahead to the plans that are in place as we welcome our members to the May 3/4 Chapter Council meeting. We will hear from our Director of Finance about the upcoming budget, and from senior staff about their work and current projects. We will receive updates from Directors on the recent meetings of the advisory committees they chair, and hear about and discuss the current activities and initiatives in the sector. Each of these presentations and interactions will reflect the needs of our members, and what the Association can do to support you.

If you were to ask our current Board members their initial motivation for seeking a nomination for their roles, the answers may be very different. Whether to gain experience, to share experience – or a bit of both – I believe that most would add that it’s the people you get to work with on the Board that make all the difference. The collegial relationships that have been formed here truly last throughout your career.

I look forward to the Board’s work this weekend, and I hope that our members will consider their own possible future as a Board Director by seeking a nomination before April 15. 

Have a great weekend,



The BC Principals' & Vice-Principals' Association is a voluntary professional association representing school leaders employed as Principals and Vice-Principals in BC's public education system. We provide our members with the professional services and supports they need to provide exemplary leadership in public education.

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