Leadership is never an easy mantle to wear, but as the educational system continues to evolve to better serve the ever-changing needs of students and communities, the demands on leaders become increasingly complex and challenging as those same leaders respond to changes in policy and practice, take increased responsibility for managing fluctuating levels of human resources, and work respectfully in a complex labour-relations environment.
British Columbia’s Principals and Vice-Principals are dedicated to supporting student success and well-being, collaborating with system partners, and making decisions that are informed by research and evidence.
Last weekend the BCPVPA Board of Directors met. During those meetings, we heard from two organizations in Canada that acknowledged the important work of BC Principals and Vice-Principals in fostering, shaping, and leading such a high performing educational system.
While the BCPVPA Board and Senior Staff connected via Zoom for a meeting with the OPC Executive and Senior Staff, the President of the Ontario Principals Council (OPC), Ralph Nigro, stated that the BCPVPA has an “enviable relationship” with our Ministry and Government. During the meeting, we discussed some of the ways that we are connected to, and collaborate with, our Ministry of Education and Child Care, BCPSEA, and several of our education partners. We have much to be both proud of and grateful for in BC, and our Ontario cousins helped us to appreciate that fact.
Another group that has long admired the work of BC Principals and Vice-Principals is the Canadian Association of Principals (CAP). The CAP Executive, made up of educational leaders from across Canada – except BC (and Ontario until recently) - have long lobbied the BCPVPA to re-join their ranks association. The BCPVPA withdrew from CAP quite a number of years ago, mostly due to rising costs, our shifting priorities, and a few other reasons that were deemed relevant at the time.
The current CAP leadership has revamped the structure of the organization, and, importantly, the fee structure. The new structure of CAP is a more collaborative and integrated organization, and one that very much appreciates and respects what is happening in BC education. In fact, the Ministries of Education from both the Yukon and Northwest Territories have adopted the BC Curriculum. Once again, BC is recognized as a leader, and our perspectives on educational matters is sought out, appreciated, and welcomed. The BCPVPA is well-placed to influence educational leaders and educational practice across the country.
It is with the spirit of extending the reach of one of the goals in our Strategic Plan (Respected Voice – BCPVPA is an influential partner and a respected voice within public education), that the BCPVPA Board voted to rejoin CAP on trial basis for the remainder for the school year.
One of the immediate benefits of membership, is that BCPVPA members will be able to register and attend the annual CAP Conference at a significantly reduced rate. This year’s conference is taking place in Toronto, April 23-26, 2024. Details will be available in next week’s eNews. In addition, as members of CAP, each BCPVPA member will start to receive their copy of the CAP Journal, which is published several times a year.
As with each of our goals and objectives, the Board will assess and evaluate the decision to rejoin CAP. For now, however, we are extending the influence of the BCPVPA, and, specifically, acknowledging the influence, hard work, and leadership of the members of the BCPVPA.
I know it has been said many times, but once again (this time from our colleagues across the country):